What's Going On
It's a bright,sunny,crisp April afternoon; here's a stack of pots from the first glaze firing,awaiting sorting and pricing...
Meanwhile, kiln #2 has reached 700 degrees without major mishap,and I'm glazing the remaining bisced pots in readiness for kiln #3,which probably won't get fired 'til next week.
...while over here by the door there's an accumulation of bisced pots in a bewildering variety of clay mixes intended for the various wood kilns.
Meanwhile, kiln #2 has reached 700 degrees without major mishap,and I'm glazing the remaining bisced pots in readiness for kiln #3,which probably won't get fired 'til next week.
...while over here by the door there's an accumulation of bisced pots in a bewildering variety of clay mixes intended for the various wood kilns.
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