Thursday, February 24, 2005


After last weeks spiffy 599/720,this afternoon's archery was a more modest 575-hence pictures of flowers instead of tight groups of arrows.A different variety of red and gold.In the studio,3 groups requiring demonstrations/explanations shortened an already short day,as did packing up an order to ship to the States.I discovered that the coarse raku clay I intended to use for Guy's film is unsuitable,so mixed it with a convenient smooth white clay to get desired results-like the pot not collapsing on camera.Also threw some slim bottles for Meir's kiln [there's always room for shapes like these to fill in gaps] and,at Meir's prompting,a couple of small teapots.Tomorrow I need to finish all throwing,assemble pots and warm them up in the kiln,ready for a swift bisc on Sunday.Sydney kindly brought me a selection of tongs,like medieval instruments of torture,for use during filming [Monday],after which we took our wives for a birthday meal at Deck's,on the lake in Tiveria.Food good,not great,ambiance of a warehouse,but Tuborg on tap,this being the most drinkable beer gets in this Adnams-less country.Amnon Dankner graced us with his considerable presence.


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