Monday, March 14, 2005

Today's deal

Here's the deal today:unloaded another good kiln this morning [#3 for those counting],fired on remains of old gas tank and half of one of the two 50kg balloons that the gas company brought me yesterday to tide me over 'til the new tank arrives tomorrow,when I won't be here [Tel Hai]-I'm trusting the Apprentice to handle it.All the remaining pots having being glazed [those few of you who learned Latin will have recognised that Ablative Absolute construction,doubtless with a shudder],I reloaded this morning,starting to fire at midday.At around one thirty there's a brit mila at the Bar El's [mazel tov,Ronni and Genine]that probably won't happen at one thirty,so I have to try to be back in the studio to catch the kiln at 920degs to start reduction,plus I'm firing on the second half of that gas-tank,which will inevitably freeze up as time goes on,and Nasim the tractor-driver is supposedly arriving in the middle of this with a cube of sand,protection for the new tank.This morning Nasim told me "I'll be round in an hour or so",but a tractor-driver's idea of time is one of the more elastic concepts in the known universe.I know deep down that there's a way to go to the brit,return,switch balloons,finish the firing and get to bed at a respectable hour,but the variables overwhelm me,so I'll just take a guess.This is stuff they don't teach you in Pottery School.Not that I ever went to Pottery School...


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