Sydney Rosenstone at Work and Play

While firing the salt kiln yesterday,Sydney found time to throw a batch of bowls for a nearby restaurant [in Nimrod,I think] - a click on the title will whisk you there. My friend Alan is visiting from deepest Dorset,and Shelley and Netzer showed up - they're off to Australia in a few days. Tomorrow is my first day back at Tel Hai - we hope to open the kiln later in the afternoon. The firing went well,after the previous 2 which had been less than wonderful. I think the improvement came from a more open stack at the top of the kiln;Sydney thinks it's because of the 2 rows of brick we added to the chimney. Having made 2 changes,we'll never know which one did the trick [but I think it was the stacking...]. The whole firing took 8 hours,including 1 1/2 hrs salting,and cone 10 was half down by the end. I'm using the new salt clay from Potterycrafts,so have no idea how things will come out...
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