Up betimes yesterday and off to Tel Aviv with two bus-fuls of Tel Hai students for a day of museums and galleries. The Ceramic Biennale in Ramat Gan was full of intrepid and ingenious explorations of the ceramico-technological interface- a bit much,I felt,for many of our students,bless them,who look for rather more soul,passion and raw,untamed expressionism in their clay work.
We ended our day at the Holon Museum of Design,designed to be iconic by Ron Arad and nearly making it. There it is in the picture above,appropriately dwarfing the mere mortals who skuttle about beneath its mighty sand-dune-inspired iron bands.
The exhibit in the surprisingly small inner galleries was good fun- "Post Fossil",recycling meets design,a return to simplicity,let's use basic materials and processes,bake bread,make pottery. Good morning.
It seemed strangely symbolic to start with ceramic artists feverishly storming the bastions of design and technology,only to find the place deserted because all the designers are off taking pottery classes.